28 March 2011

My Mom's Laugh

Watch this video.

And then watch this one of her watching the first video:

I love my mom.

27 March 2011

New Quote Wall

I was having dinner today and my little brother said something that wasn't too funny on its own, but it was hilarious when I thought about it being on a shirt.   Thus, the quote wall was born.  Hopefully it gets updated as time goes on with funnier things being said.  Click on the tab above to look at it.

25 March 2011

Mission Photos

Recently, I've been uploading my mission photos to Facebook for the world to see.  That was such a fun time of my life.  Yes, it was hard - probably the hardest thing I've ever done, but it was worth it.  Those two years of my life were incredible and unforgettable, especially since I have so many pictures of them.  If anyone is questioning whether they should serve a mission, here is the advice I offer:

  1. Think about right and wrong, good and evil, and think about your options.  Most of them are probably good choices.
  2. God has a plan for you.  That means there's a best option in this situation.
  3. Make a decision.  What do you think is best?  
  4. Ask God if that decision will be the best choice for you, if it fits into His plan for you.
  5. Listen for answer.  If you plan on acting on it, you'll get one.
  6. Do what you feel is best.
It was a wonderful experience for me and I know that God expects every worthy, able young man to serve a mission.  The blessings I've received so far, and expect to keep receiving, are incredible and well worth the investment.

20 March 2011

18 March 2011

The "Miracle" of Facebook

Well, I needed a date for tonight and realized that it was in less than 24 hours.  That's when the missionary, check-only-your-schedule-for-the-next-day-the-night-before planning method backfired a little.  It's mostly because I don't really do weekly planning.

I decided to post something on Facebook and see what happens.  I got a lot of comments, but none of them were all that helpful.  Here's the aftermath from this morning:

14 March 2011

Homecoming - a couple of weeks after I come home

I gave my homecoming talk this Sunday in church.  You can read what I had planned to say until right before I stood up to speak.  It's on the "What Might Have Been" tab at the top of the page.  Isn't following the Spirit great?

I also went to a baptism in my ward this week.  I was the only one that wore normal clothes and didn't dress up for the occasion.  My excuse:  that's exactly what happens in Portugal, the only place I really remember going to baptisms, except for my own.

10 March 2011


I got bored today and decided to see if there were any interesting pictures I could take.  Well, this is what resulted from that decision.

08 March 2011

Shooting at Grandma's

Shooting my .22 at my Grandma's house

Shooting towards the metal target.
Well, these pictures are pretty self-explanatory.  We went up to my Grandma's house for a lunch so that everyone in the world wouldn't have to come all the way down to Provo just to say hi.  While we were up there, I took advantage of the fact that my dad had sighted in my scope while I was gone, and that my grandpa has tons of farmland to shoot on.  We shot at a set of metal targets that my cousin made.  We literally had a blast!

03 March 2011

Bored and Lonely

A random watercolor I painted once
I'm so bored!  Life would be so much better if I had someone to at least hang out with.  Anyone else have a little bit free time?  Anyone want more free time?  You can have some of mine.  You know, I always thought that it would be way cool to not have to go to school, work, or anything.  Turns out it kind of sucks.

01 March 2011


Machico, on the island of Madeira

Well, another day here with nothing to do. I guess I could have done companionship study, but no companion. :( That's why I'm writing, I suppose. Just something to do.

Anyway, I noticed that tons of people (meaning more than I ever thought possible or reasonable) decided to click on that little thing on Facebook and look at this page. Weird.

I'm trying to tell myself that life will pick up speed someday soon and that I won't have to feel like I'm wasting my life switching between Facebook and Band Hero all day.