Who knew the library could be so fun? I went down there last night and got to look at some pretty cool stuff about the history of the Chemistry Department on campus. I learned that James E. Talmage once taught Chemistry, as did Karl G. Maeser. And that Franklin S. Harris, for whom the Harris Fine Arts Center is named, was trained as a scientist. Also, the Chemistry Department was one of the first (I would say the first, but I don't remember for sure) to be allowed to award PhD degrees at BYU. Pretty much chemistry is cool.
Last episode of season 6 of Doctor Who this Saturday. Conference this Saturday. Thankfully I can watch both, or else I'd miss Doctor Who. That would be sad. But conference - watch it. The book is true; the book is blue. You can click on another link up above if you're interested in knowing how I know that.
And midterms are done for me, I think. For now...
Speaking of class, I should go to it.
And I'll try to do better at posting every week. It's hard to remember with school and everything.