30 September 2011

Turns out the library is cool

Who knew the library could be so fun?  I went down there last night and got to look at some pretty cool stuff about the history of the Chemistry Department on campus.  I learned that James E. Talmage once taught Chemistry, as did Karl G. Maeser.  And that Franklin S. Harris, for whom the Harris Fine Arts Center is named, was trained as a scientist.  Also, the Chemistry Department was one of the first (I would say the first, but I don't remember for sure) to be allowed to award PhD degrees at BYU.  Pretty much chemistry is cool.

Last episode of season 6 of Doctor Who this Saturday.  Conference this Saturday.  Thankfully I can watch both, or else I'd miss Doctor Who.  That would be sad.  But conference - watch it.  The book is true; the book is blue.  You can click on another link up above if you're interested in knowing how I know that.  

And midterms are done for me, I think.  For now...

Speaking of class, I should go to it.

And I'll try to do better at posting every week.  It's hard to remember with school and everything.

08 September 2011


I really need to get back to this and at least post something to keep people interested and reading, for whatever weird reason they have for reading my ramblings.

Anyway, some should remind me to do that at some point tomorrow.  That would be nice.

There are other things that would be nice, but that sounds like another blog post.

That last sentence sounded nerdy.