28 September 2012

Midterms and 1812 Explosions

It turns out that life gets really busy when you're getting married and taking the heaviest class load you've ever taken, all in the same semester.  And blogging instantly drops to the bottom of the priority list.  Is it worth it? Well, getting married definitely is. And school? Well, this is the kind of stuff I'm studying. Take a look. 


14 September 2012

4 Weeks and Counting

Hayley knows she wants to marry me and just can't wait!
Yes, I know I've been counting since I got engaged.  But four weeks feels so much closer than 125 days.  We're now in the homestretch.  This month is going to be super busy, but there should be a wonderful result at the end.

In other news, school has started out kicking my butt.  I honestly don't think I would be motivated enough to do homework this semester if I didn't have someone awesome supporting me, and counting on me to do good.

I can't think of anything else to express, besides my gratitude to my Heavenly Father for helping me relatively painlessly find someone to walk with me for eternity.  That and I think BYU has a good chance of beating Utah tomorrow.

07 September 2012

Scripture Reflection

I have a hard time not thinking of myself as a missionary when I read the scriptures, even though I’ve been home for a year and a half now.  And up until recently, it’s been hard for me to remember to study the scriptures on a regular basis.  It seems like life has been busy and getting in the way.  Thankfully, I’m engaged to a wonderful young woman, who recently returned from serving her own mission, who is more than willing to help me with anything. 

Choosing someone to marry was an interesting process for me.  I remember being in the mission field and, while trying not to worry too much about it and focus on the work at hand, pondering the enormity of the decision that was in my future.  I realized that while the choice was mine to make, and that Heavenly Father would probably provide many opportunities for me to make a correct choice, I was still afraid to make a wrong choice.  I suppose I felt like the Ethiopian eunuch who said, “How can I, except some man should guide me?” (Acts 8:31) This fear led me on an adventure of many interesting first dates, without much else following. 

Then spring term came and I took the Marriage & Family course offered here.  I felt so enlightened, and somewhat foolish, since the things I was supposed to be doing to receive the help I wanted were staring me in the face the whole time.  Quote after quote and scripture after scripture began to resonate with me and lead me to actions that I would never have thought of before.  I guess it was less like action, and more like a change in my thinking.  Like Saul, immediately there fell from [my] eyes as it had been scales: and [I] received sight forthwith, and arose.” (Acts 9:18)

I began to see the little pieces of revelation and inspiration that Heavenly Father had been sending me all along.  Of course, there were times, especially leading up to my proposal, where I second-guessed myself, and the things I had been receiving.  Like Peter, I doubted that I was interpreting what I was receiving correctly. (Acts 10:17)  But I thank the Lord for His patience with me as promptings were confirmed multiple times, and I knew that this was what I was supposed to be doing, and that Hayley was the person I was supposed to be marrying. 

06 September 2012


Now that football season is upon us once again, I'd like to point out that the GKTAEF will be held again this year.  This is my fantasy 16-team tournament to determine who should really be national champions.  The conference winners, plus 5 at-large teams are selected, placed in a bracket, and then my poor man's algorithm is applied to see who advances at each stage.  Click on the GKTAEF tab above to see more.