12 April 2015

March Madness in the Thurston Household

If you have paying attention, Wisconsin played in the final game of the Final Four basketball tournament and lost to Duke.  I heard rumors of people getting arrested that night, but I don't really know since I was in Kansas City visiting my sister.

Thor feeding Cousin Kiwi
March was still full of good times for the Thurstons though. We got to go to stake conference twice.  The first time was our regularly scheduled stake conference.  The second was a special stake conference, and the rumor was that Elder L. Tom Perry was going to come and address us.  We then heard from the missionaries that Elder Craig C. Christensen of the Seventy would be at our stake conference since Elder Perry would be in Milwaukee.  We didn't get to hear from either of them, since Elder Perry was reassigned by President Packer, so Elder Christensen took his place.  Long story short, we had two stake conferences and it was great.

Toddler Thor is now old enough to go to Nursery during the second and third hours of church on Sundays.  He absolutely loves it.  I was expecting him to be a little nervous or hesitant to be left alone for that long, but he didn't even notice that we were gone.  And he doesn't like leaving when church is over and we come to pick him up.  He's growing up so fast!  Almost too fast.
L to R: Me, Uncle Blayne, Toddler Thor, Aunt Charlene

My Uncle Blayne and my Aunt Charlene came to Madison for a canoe convention and were nice enough to take us to lunch.  Toddler Thor loved them, especially my uncle, and even gave him a hug after they left.

While we were in Kansas City, we visited a farmstead where Toddler Thor got to feed some baby goats.  He thought that was pretty fun until we put him down, let him wander around, and the goats still thought he had food.  Toddler Thor also had a great time playing with Cousin Kiwi, my sister's dog.  He has his own little word for dog (which sounds something like "kak" or "keka") and he says it every time he sees a dog.

The best part of March was technically April.  We got to see a bunch of Church history sites, including Liberty Jail, the Far West Temple site, and the Independence visitor center.  All while listening to General Conference!  It was a very spiritual month for us.