First, you should listen to the TED Radio Hour Podcast (from NPR), specifically the episodes titled "Screen Time." It's in two parts, the first on January 27, 2017, and the second on February 3, 2017.
Next, you should read this talk by Elder David A. Bednar titled "Things as They Really Are"
I've come to the realization that I spend a lot of time online, and that even though I'm home, I'm not spending time with my family. I've turned off notifications from social media apps on my phone, and have given myself a rule of not getting on my phone just because I'm bored. Instead, I need to a have purpose before I get on. And there is rarely anything on my phone that truly needs m immediate attention. The digital world isn't real, and I don't ever feel fulfilled from my interactions with it. I don't even remember most of them. I will instead spend my time writing the novel that I've been neglecting for the past while, and writing in my journal so that my kids might know more about me than what they'll learn from the public face I display via social media. Maybe I'll even contribute more meaningful, thought-out blogposts instead of 140 character fleeting thoughts.