24 February 2012

Craziness of the week

We'll see how much time I have to work on this today.  It'll post at 5.  So, if a sentence abruptly ends, or a thought is left incomplete, just know it's because I ran out of time.

Things seem to have been rather hectic this week.  There was all sorts of running around, especially yesterday, kind of reminding me of the mission a little.  Those always seemed to be the best days.  So, I was pleased in a strange way at all the busy-ness (I would use business, but it already has a different meaning) of the last few days.

I recently discovered a show, produced by Steven Moffat like Doctor Who is, called Sherlock.  I'll let you deduce what it's about.  It's been on Netflix for a while, but the fact that it is also produced by Moffat made it intriguing.  That coupled with the reading of online Doctor Who-related Google+ posts alluding to the fact the Sherlock is what Doctor Who fans watch when Doctor Who isn't on led to the watching of the first episode last night.  In one word - awesome.  I can't believe I hadn't thought of watching this before.  It also makes me want to read, which is unusual since I usually read because I have to for class.  But I might be stopping by the library.  I should probably finish Man's Search for Meaning first, however.  I have to write a paper on it by the end of the semester.

17 February 2012

A Thought About Priesthood

This is something I thought about during the Worldwide Leadership Training, and developed further in my mind since then.

President Packer referenced the Melchizedek Priesthood as it is called in the Doctrine and Covenants: "The Holy Priesthood after the Order of the Son of God."  This made me think about the Order of the Garter, an English order of knighthood.  These knights are honored and commissioned by the Queen, and she sends them forth to carry out her orders.  Similarly, we, as holders of the priesthood are honored by the Lord and commissioned to do His work.  The interesting thing is that the Lord honors every man that is worthy of the honor as soon as they are worthy.

In the Order of the Garter, there are officers: the Prelate, the Chancellor, the Register, etc.  In the Lord's priesthood, we are all officers: elders, high priests, seventies, apostles, etc.  Just as each knight doesn't hold any more knighthood than any other knight, neither does an apostle hold more priesthood than an elder.  They simply hold different offices.

Other sources of information on the priesthood:

14 February 2012

For Valentine's Day

Are you there?  Are you real?
Do you know how I feel
Whenever you're around?

If only we both knew
The spark of me and you;
Flames burning from the ground.

Because today's the day I need you;
Today is when I need to feel you near
If only you were here.

I wake up; I don't know
Just where I'm gonna go
Still alone tonight.

It'd be great if you'd called,
Or let me know at all,
That it'll be alright.

Because today's the day I told you,
"Today I will always hold you near."
If only you were here.

Potential and impossibilities
Unilateral proximity

10 February 2012

Paying Taxes and the Spirit of Elijah

I have always been told that the tax code is overly complicated, and I believed it, but I got to experience it for the first time ever this week.  And yes, as it turns out, I owed the federal government a grand total of $51.  I am now a more firm believer in changing the tax code to fit on the back of a postcard.  My personal opinion is that the consumption tax seems to be the best method.  Here's how it would work:
  1. List total income from wages, salaries, and all the other stuff the government feels like the can tax you on.
  2. Subtract a flat deduction of $5500, for example. The exact number will probably figured out by some bureaucrat somewhere.
  3. Then subtract what you can document has been placed in a savings account of those earnings.
  4. What's left will be taxed at a flat rate of, say 20%.  The number will depend on what gets the government enough money to operate efficiently.  Yes, it'll probably be that high.  But, there will be no sales tax, or any other tax of any kind. 

07 February 2012


This has been stuck in my head for a couple of days now.  And the video is pretty cool too.

03 February 2012

Letter to State Representatives Concerning Firearm Laws

I would firstly like to commend you for considering legislation that clarifies the laws concerning firearms within the state.  Being a concealed firearm permit holder, however, I have learned that there are still many places the law is ambiguous with regards to the ability to peacefully possess a firearm.  

In my understanding, a concealed firearm permit holder (or anyone for that matter) may not carry a firearm into a house of worship, or a private residence, if the proper notice has been given in accordance with Section 76-10-530 of the state code.  What the code does not address is peaceful possession of a firearm on another person's property, such as a private institution of higher learning, for those with a valid concealed firearm permit, or a business, for citizens regardless of having such a permit.  This troubles me because I don't know whether the courts will interpret the law in my favor should the police be called while I am in such a place, and believe I am within my rights.