26 October 2012

Favorite Wedding Pictures

Here they are folks! Pictures from my perfect wedding!
Also, I added an addendum to the "Where I'm Coming From" page.

Our first appearance as married people
I'm an airplane! Because it was like a wind tunnel. Guess you had to be there.

Me and my brother
Hayley and her sisters
Yep. We're married, world.
I love this picture of Hayley!

Dancing at the reception

Taking off to the shortest honeymoon ever
A really awesome picture, but it's sideways, and I'm too lazy to rotate it.

19 October 2012

The Best Week

Leaving Park City on Sunday
I wish there were sufficient words to describe how happy I feel, knowing that I am sealed to my wife for all eternity.  It's interesting to me how many in the world view marriage as a temporary thing, with divorce as an option, or don't know if their relationships will end at death.  To be clear, I don't mean to say that there aren't circumstances where divorce is appropriate.  Certainly abusive marriages, which limit a spouse's ability to speak their mind, or confine them to living in fear of their spouse, are dangerous and damaging.  And perhaps leaving is the best thing in that case.  But for me, it isn't an option.

My marriage is something sacred.  Not only have I made promises to my wife, I have made promises to God.  And because of that, He has promised me that Hayley and I will be married even after this life.  I find comfort in knowing that my marriage isn't some silly, mortal experiment, to be forgotten at the end of this life.  Instead, the relationship that I am continuing to build every day will be treasured forever.

And is that what everybody really wants?  If we were truly honest with ourselves, don't we all need someone to be there for us every day?  Aren't we going to want that to be forever?  I know that I want that, and that Hayley will forever be my top priority.  Am I going to make mistakes? Undoubtedly.  But the feelings of love and forgiveness that prevail in our home keep me fearless in moving forward, and continuing to open myself up to Hayley.

I just wish that everyone could feel the love that I feel from Hayley.  She is so patient with me, and loves to be with me, just like I love to be with her.  I am grateful that she supports me in my schoolwork, and that she is willing to just love me with all her heart.  I know there were so many times where I prayed for this, and I'm so glad that this blessing has finally arrived.  And I'm even more grateful that God has promised me that it never has to leave.

12 October 2012


Yep.  Sealed for time and eternity to my best friend in the whole wide world!!!!!!  Best feeling ever!!!  Check back soon for pictures and the like.

05 October 2012


Come listen to living prophets
I am so ready for this wedding to finally be here.  I think we have everything ready. I've just gotten really busy with everything lately, mostly trying to get ahead in homework so that I don't have any homework I have to do over next weekend.

I'm excited for conference weekend and I am really hoping to hear a lot about how to keep the marriage I'm about to enter into successful.  I'm looking forward to a relaxing, stress-free weekend.  At least, that's how it'll be in my mind.