22 March 2013

Blessings of the Temple

The Provo Utah Temple
Yesterday, I got the chance to go to the temple with my brother and watch him make sacred covenants with God in preparation for his service as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  It was such a wonderful experience!  It comparison to the other buildings of other faiths that I have visited, the temple always brings the Spirit more fully, and it is always such a calming experience.

In the temple, we make sacred covenants with the Lord, just as He has always asked his people to do. The ancient Israelites had the tabernacle while they were in the wilderness, and the temple in Jerusalem, until it was destroyed.  Thankfully, the Lord has once again given his people the opportunity to make sacred promises with Him.  These promises have been a wonderful blessing to me, both on my mission, and in my marriage, and are the choice blessings the Lord promises His people over and over in scripture.

15 March 2013

Daylight Saving Time & Mission Call!

The time change has reminded me that some of the things our government does are really stupid.  Do you know what else we should change?  Our political party affiliation.

That's right.  I'm starting my own political party.  You are welcome to join me if you wish.  Here is the national party platform:
  • Daylight Saving Time - Should be repealed entirely, or in force all year round. 
  • Elected Government Official (EGO) Compensation - EGO's should be compensated only what they are missing out from in their normal employment, with a minimum compensation equal to the minimum wage.  If you don't have another job, outside of Congress, you make minimum wage legislating. 
  • Internet Service Provider (ISP) Bandwidth Guarantee - Internet subscribers should be able to measure their internet upload and download speeds once a month and use this information to claim a breach of contract if they are getting less than what they paid for.  Monthly bills would be multiplied by the percentage of advertised bandwidth received. 
If there's anything you feel should be added to the party platform, please leave a note in the comments below.  You can also join the party.

I would also like to say how proud I am of my little brother getting a mission call!  He will be serving as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Indiana Indianapolis Mission.  He enters the MTC towards the end of May.

08 March 2013

The Best Two Years

A bedroom window view of Porto
It is common to hear among missionaries of the Church returning home that their missions were the best two years of their lives.  It is also common to hear mission presidents, experienced men charged for ensuring missionary safety, welfare, and well-being while serving their missions, tell returning missionaries not to get stuck in the past, and to make the following two years the new best two years.  My mission was certainly a wonderful experience.  I was able to come closer to God than I had in my entire life.  My testimony of the gospel grew as it was challenged daily.  I found out what I truly believed, and found my limits in many areas.   I often stop to remember the things I learned during those times.  The mission is truly an unforgettable experience, but I'm in many ways glad that I won't have to pass by that way twice.

Câmara de Lobos, my home for six months
It has been a little more than two years since I returned home from my mission, and looking back, these are truly the new best two years.  Firstly, I started school again.  I didn't realize how much I loved school until I wasn't allowed to attend for two years.  I've learned so much and grown in even more ways from my educational experiences.

When I came home I was still given opportunities to serve in the Church.  I served for a long time as a ward mission leader, a member that coordinates the efforts of local wards, or congregations, with that of the full-time missionaries.  It was exciting, fulfilling, and gave me another view of how the Church operates.  I have since been able to serve in even more capacities in the Church.

Hang on tight and don't let go!
The biggest blessing of my entire life developed, occurred, and continues through these last two years — my wife.  We re-met (that's another story that has already been told) exactly a year ago this week, began a wonderful courtship, and married in the Draper Utah Temple for time and eternity.  We are now expecting our first child (Thor, until we know the gender) and it just doesn't seem like life could get any better.  But we know it will.  The challenges of surviving graduate school as a family, and raising children, await us.  Because the challenge is hard, the reward will be great.  I just can't wait to see what the next two years will bring.

01 March 2013

More Baby News

The Mighty Thor
No, we don't know the gender of our child.  Not yet, anyway.  We got to hear the baby's heartbeat again, and it's still doing fine.  I've decided that I'm calling my kid "Thor" regardless of what we end up naming it, simply because Thor Thurston sounds awesome!  Or maybe I'll call it Thor online until he/she is born and is given a real name.  I don't think the Mrs. really approves of my calling our baby Thor.

Anyway, if everything goes according to plan, we should know whether Thor is a boy or a girl at the beginning of April.  Stay tuned!