11 April 2016

Ye Olde Podcasting

Like I mentioned, I thought I would try my hand at podcasting.  So, here it is!  Just remember that you were probably going to waste these 6 minutes on Facebook anyway.

Here's to hopin' that there ends up being an Episode 2!  Enjoy!

07 April 2016

I tapped this post out on Internet.

Hello friends.  It's been a while.  And the Blogger app still sucks.  Wish someone would get around to fixing that.

I guess I'm just going to write and let you read what I write.  No thinking, just writing.  Or "typing" in this case.  What do you call the way people input words on their phone? Maybe tapping is a more appropriate word. My name is Glen, and I'm a tapper.

We (relatively) recently went to Virginia for Spring Break.  The Mrs. served her mission in Virginia, so it was fun to visit some of the people she taught as a missionary.  Toddler Thor's favorite part was the water, both at the beach and at the temple. 

The most dissonant thing of the trip was coming home.  On our last day, we went to the beach and enjoyed the 80 degree weather.  We came home to snow, and it's actually snowing right now.  🌨  Being from Utah, you would think that I would be used to the extremes on weather, but I've found that there is thing called Spring that I'm rather fond of.

I'm trying to satisfy my desire to write, which is odd, since I've spent a large part of my life trying to avoid writing.  I think that I really just want to put something out into the world that could make someone's life better.  I'm trying to leave a lasting mark, so that people, besides my family, will know that I was alive and did awesome things.

The latest stressor in my life is being on student council.  I guess the political bug is going around our family, or maybe it's just been lying dormant.  In any case, I thought it would be a good idea to run, mostly because I hate segregated fees.  The frustrating part is that most of the money goes to things that don't benefit me.  And the increases in seg. fees are usually fueled by the Chancellor pushing some of the costs back into the fees, instead of cutting something from her budget.  So, my goal is to at least have them lower for graduate students, which is apparently a novel concept.  We already have separate tuition rates, so why not segregated fees?

Well, if you've made it this far, I guess you deserve a report on the novel I'm trying to write.  It's still going. Slowly.  Mostly because I haven't put much time towards it.  But I'm trying to put more time towards it.  Maybe over the summer after I'm done with classes (forever!) Also, I recently started listening to a podcast (I'm trendy!) which made me want to try my hand at it.  And for me, the planner, that means that I have to write a script beforehand. This incorporates more writing into my life. I guess my high school English teachers were right when they said writing was important.  For me, it's mostly another experiment in expressing myself.  So, look for that in the coming days (or years). 

Keep being awesome! 💂