21 October 2011

GOP Debates and Stuff

So, the other day we were listening to the presidential debate while we were working in the lab.  They started talking about Cain's 9-9-9 plan and how it wouldn't work. (I like calling him Cain better.  It makes him seem evil for some reason.)  There was this discussion about how the states that don't have sales tax wouldn't want to increase their tax, blah, blah, blah.  So, this is my idea.  And I'm probably not the first person to think of this, since it's been done before.

There's probably a flaw in this plan.  But, like in Physics, assume we live in a perfect world.  (frictionless, infinitely small, spherical)  What if the federal government, instead of taxing individuals, divided that same amount of money they're looking for among the states based on population.  Then the states could collect that tax however they wanted and pay it to Uncle Sam by whatever day.  Nevada, for example, could collect it all through gambling, or at least a large part of it.  Oregon could collect it through a property tax.  New York could collect it through a sales tax.  California could collect it through an ignorance tax.  Utah could collect it through a consumption tax.  However the state wants to collect it.

That way, Samwise would get his money, people would pay the money, and they would decide what was fair in each state.  This all should sound familiar because it's what happened before the 16th amendment was passed.

But I doubt that anyone will ever take me too seriously on a national tax code level, but you never know.

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