22 June 2012

The Story of How We Met - My side again - Part 1

I'm not sure how many of you will actually care, or are already sick of hearing about how I'm engaged.  I apologize to those I associate with on a daily basis.  I promise I'll stop telling that I'm engaged after I get married.  And then I'll try really hard not to tell you that I'm married.

So, this story starts a long time ago.  Alright, it's only six years ago, but if you think about it from my point of view, that's more than a quarter of the life I've lived so far.  The year is 2006.  It's summertime.  I've just finished my sophomore year of high school.  I had a lot of stuff planned for that summer, but apparently not too many things, as I'll explain in a minute.

My dad was still in the stake presidency at this time, and got to take my little brother, and the other deacons in the stake to scout camp.  This year, they decided to attend Scofield Scout Camp (which formerly was Scofield Frontier Base, and is now called Scofield Boy Scout Camp at Frandsen Scout Reservation).  The thing I remember most about this trip is how awesome their shirts were.  They had a bright blue shirt, and a fluorescent green shirt that they alternated between.  I would say that they did laundry, but I'm positive that they didn't.  My dad thought it was great because he could stand at the house and see where all of his boys were.

Scofield was somewhat under-staffed that year, or at least that's what I was told.  This is the part where I think that I must not have been too busy that summer, because I agreed to work at the camp for the last two weeks of the summer.  I got to work in aquatics and taught the canoeing merit badge.  I got the hang of it after a couple of days.  And I even got to earn it while I was there.  I thought it would be important to earn the merit badge before teaching other people how to earn it.

That summer, I got a sunburn from my knees to the middle of my thigh from sitting down in a metal canoe in the middle of the lake all week in my swim trunks that apparently went up a little higher when I sat down.  And we had an awesome staff party after we got everything cleaned up on the last week.  I still remember taking home extra apple beer for later.  It lasted maybe a couple of hours.

And this is the beginning of how I met Hayley...

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