14 December 2012

Things I Like

I've recently discovered that I like a lot of new things.  I like when my wife cuddles with me.  I like going to Primary to teach and play with our new autistic friend.  I like being a horse and crawling around the room, even if it gives me a rugburn on my knuckles.  I like going to school and taking math finals, mostly because it means that I'm done with the class.  It helps that the test was timed, but open book.  I seeing the snow fall and wondering if Heavenly Father thinks the snow is as pretty as I think it is.  I like slipping down the hill south of the Clyde building, and then not feeling guilty watching other people slip down the same hill while I'm waiting for my wife to come pick me up.

Most of all, I like coming home and feeling the love and the Spirit in our home.

1 comment:

  1. I like reading these! You are the hope of the future. You, and people like you. PLEASE pass along your genes!
