03 April 2011

Snow in April!

My backyard when I woke up this morning

Yesterday, it was 75 degrees during the middle of the day, which I thought was insane.  I wake up this morning and there's just snow everywhere!  I love Utah.  Only here could you get this kind of weather.  It's something about being a desert, or at least near one, having the driest air on earth, and being at this high elevation.  (I realize that there are many places in the world with much higher elevation.  I've been to some of them.)  I really don't mind it.  I kind of like having a surprise like this every once in a while.

The kind of surprise I don't enjoy having is waking up and my phone displaying an error saying "Unregistered SIM" and realizing that I can't make or receive calls anywhere at all.  Yes, I realize it's a Tracfone and not the best thing in the world, but when your parents are paying for it and you have no source of income yet, you just don't complain.

Last of all, the laptop that everyone in the family uses crashed hardcore the other day.  Windows can't load.  It looks like at least some of the disk sectors where Windows is stored were corrupted somehow.  So, Windows is corrupted.  Something I already knew.  But, it's hard to remove everything on at entire hard drive without anything but a external USB hard drive to go to.  It's a process that's been going for two days now.  It's a fun little conference project.

I highly doubt that anyone would be interested in even reading this blog.  They're just the boring ramblings of some poor college student in the middle of the United States.  Then again, I suppose most TV shows nowadays are essentially what I would see if there was a webcam following an average random person around all day, with the boring parts transitioned right out of the whole thing.  So, whatever floats your boat, I guess.  If read about someone's everyday problems is your cup of tea, then go right ahead.  (Except for the tea part.  Don't drink it.)

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