08 July 2011

Let's go back to having 49 states

File:US flag 49 stars.svg
A 49-star flag

Maybe when I find one, I'll be able to fly this 49-star flag, in protest of California being a state.  I know lots of wonderful people from California, but politically, they are just way out there.  For one thing, they refuse to honor any other state's gun licenses.  They have stricter fire resistance tests for home furnishings (which is why most have tags stating whether or not they pass California's test).  Whenever there is a controversial issue, they seem to take it to the extreme, either completely prohibiting it, or completely allowing it.  There never seems to be any gray area with them. 

Now, I realize that this is probably a very weak argument, but here it is anyway.  I don't think it's ever been done before, but we should vote them out of the union.  Make them a territory, or make them a country.  Either way, as long as they're not a state.  So, go out and buy your 49-star flag and demand that we have 55 less seats in the house, and 2 less in the senate.  Congress could probably get a lot more done that way.

PS If you're from California, I still love you.  I just don't like your state's government.

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