16 December 2011

No more finals!

Well, now I can only pray that the graders will be nice.  Especially for O-Chem.  I really just want to keep my scholarship, though I know that if I don't, it isn't the end of the world.

And that's pretty much been life for the last week.  Studying, worrying about finals, sitting in the testing center, being exhausted, even though I didn't physically do a whole lot.  That still boggles me sometimes.

Believe it or not, I saw miracles this week in the testing center.  On every test, I sat, and stared, and sat, and stared some more, and just couldn't think of the right answer.  Then, suddenly, something would come to my mind.  Enlightenment!  Honestly, it was like a light bulb turning on in my head.  Totally reminds of me this scripture in John.  I know that there is no way I could have ever come up with some of those answers on my own.  But someone is looking out for me.

The magic shows I do are like this, but not quite.
In other news, I get to do two more magic shows this week at Diamond Fork Junior High School.  It's going to be super awesome!  If I could support a family during chemistry outreach, or whatever this is called, then I would have a dream job.

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